Australian Institute of International Affairs - ACT Branch

The ACT Branch of the AIIA aims to promote informed discussion and understanding of international issues in Australia.

The AIIA is an independent, non-profit, apolitical, national organisation, committed to the promotion of informed discussion among members of the Australian public on international issues and their impact on Australia.

For membership details, visit

The ACT Branch was formed in 1937 by AIIA members mainly from Victoria and NSW. They included Sir Robert Garran, H.F.E. Whitlam, Ernest Burgman, Sir John Crawford, Sir Kenneth Bailey, and Leslie Bury who would become MP for Wentworth, Treasurer and Minister for Foreign Affairs among other ministerial appointments during the 1960s and 70s.

In 1987 Stephen House was opened as the national headquarters of AIIA. The branch had contributed to the building fund and, after some consideration, decided to leave its rent-free facilities at the ANU to take up residence in the new building.

Membership currently stands at more than 200 and a student branch was formed at ANU during 2007. Members from other branches visiting Canberra are always made most welcome.

Non-profit organization